Sunday, May 6, 2007

How's That Again?

In last Thursday's GOP Presidential Debate sponsored by MSNBC and, 3 of 10 candidates actually indicated that they did not believe in evolution!! Candidates were asked to raise their hands if they did not believe in one of the most accepted scientific conclusions of the past century. Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado, Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee all raised their hands and thereby should be disqualified from consideration by anyone with a high school diploma, or a passing familiarity with reality.

* Cartoon from Church of Reality

1 comment:

emdohar said...

Politicians who refuse to acknowledge evolution as scientifically viable theory are frightening for one of 2 reasons; either they are right-wing panderers to the highest degree or they are incredibly simple. I'm not sure which is worse.

I have never understood why it is unacceptable for some people of religious conviction to conclude that God could have facilitated evolution. That strikes me as a much more reasoned approach than Creationism or nothing. Why must it be God Vs. Science all the time rather than God through Science?